How to Reduce Noise From Upstairs Floors – 2 Easy Steps

soundproof yourself from upstairs floor noise


They say that a bad neighbor will give you a needle with no thread. Well, if you are familiar with having a noisy neighbor you will say that any neighbor is better than the one who always seems to be doing something that involves bashing or noise disturbance. Neighbors can be extremely annoying. And the worst part about it is that you can’t really get rid of them. It doesn’t matter whether you are living in a two-room apartment or a bungalow. Noisy neighbors are imminent.


The most disturbing of sounds that will surely break your concentration and mood is when it comes from your neighbor upstairs. Noisy neighbors tend to have a wide array of different disturbing techniques in their arsenal. Be it walking and running around the house in shoes or heels, slamming doors, watching hilarious tv shows with the volume up and not to mention their clamorous lovemaking sessions. However, no matter how many times you go up to them with a bloated face and tell them to stop doing it, they won’t really stop. Nonetheless, you can still work your way out of this and this is where soundproofing will come into your help. The whole concept of soundproofing is a very fun and challenging one. There are a number of different ways and techniques through which you can easily prevent noises from entering your personal space and also at the same time get to learn a lot.


One of the many terrible things about living on rent is that you have to listen and obey to every single thing that your landlord says. Not to mention the uncountable times they mentioned you not to install any stuff on the walls and not ruin their apartments. If your landlord is like one of them then do make sure to discuss the issue with him and take the permission to install all that you will need to make sure that the noise from upstairs floors is reduced. Because precautions are always better than cure.


Now, before you go on to make your decisions and purchase some big and expensive soundproofing solution, there are a few things that you will need to keep in mind. First of all, is that if you do not have enough knowledge regarding soundproofing then you will just end up spending all your money on stuff you won’t need and stuff you won’t know how to use.

The very first thing that you will need to make sure while reducing noise from upstairs is identifying from which part of the neighbor’s house the noise is coming from, and in which part of your room is it amplifying the most. Because you will only need to soundproof that area or room in particular, and that would be it.


As I mentioned before, there are a lot of myths surrounding soundproofing. And many people think that you need to be good at tools or something and the overall process of soundproofing is a hassle. Well, you will surely need to use your hands a bit, but you can surely do it by yourself.

How To Block Out Noise From Upstairs Neighbors

Now let’s get into business and look at the number of different methods that you can use to make sure no matter what your neighbor does upstairs, you won’t be hearing a thing. The first and most reliable option to go for will be using acoustic foam panels. If you look at other articles on the site you will see that I praise acoustic foams a lot, and every bit of the praise is well deserved. This is because they perform extremely well. Blocking all sorts of noise and preventing them from entering a room. However, unlike acoustic panels used on walls, you will need to use different ones for the ceiling. As you will need to block sound from upstairs.

I would suggest you go for something like the Acoustic Foam Egg Crate Panel from Foamily. You can get a single or two pack variant which will be more than enough to deal with your sound problems. These are one of the best acoustic panels that Foamily makes. These panels are not only extremely thick but also very clean and well designed at the same time. The thickness of the panels gives it the required ability to block out the noise and the clean-cut design makes it look good on your ceiling. You shouldn’t need to worry about its performance at all, I can personally guarantee you that. Despite targeted for studio use you can also use these panels on your room ceiling as well. In addition, they are also very easy to install. Check out Latest Price Here.


Soundproofing mats are also a super easy solution to preventing sound. The installation of mats is even easier in comparison to foams. However, the problem regarding soundproofing mats is that you will need to find the perfect one for you. There are a number of different types of soundproofing mats out there, cheap and expensive both. However, despite the wide array of choice not all of them are ideal for preventing noise. Some are just for show and won’t come to much use. You will need to spend a bit on quality material.

This is where we chose the MuteX Soundproof Material to be the ideal fit. MuteX is a very well known company and all their products are made in the USA, including the MuteX Soundproof Material. Coming to the aesthetics these mats are fully black in color and doesn’t sport any type of prints or designs whatsoever. Making it ideal for home ceiling use. Despite being so lightweight these mats can still hold out all sorts of noise. This is because it has two stages of sound barrier capabilities installed. One being Polymute Resin and the other Carbonweave. Both of these work extremely well together to keep your room in a quiet silence. No matter how hot or cold the temperatures get, the MuteX Soundproof Material will be able to bear it all. In addition, you can also use these mats for automobile, commercial, home construction, doors and on many other places as well.


There are a number of different myths surrounding soundproofing. While some say that it’s expensive, others say that it is an extremely difficult process. Well, I would disagree with both of them. First of all, there are many different types of ways through which you can block out the noise coming from upstairs floors. And yes, there are some expensive methods and ways, but that doesn’t mean that those are the only ones available. You can block out noise from the upstairs floors by just installing some sort of soundproofing material or mats. This will be the ultimate cheapest solution.


We sometimes tend to get so focused on the faults of others that we completely forget whether we are also doing the same as well. So yes surely your neighbor upstairs makes a lot of sounds and disturbs you. However, have you ever thought of the fact whether you are doing the same to the person living under your floor? As weird as it may sound, every one of us tends to make noises in our house. Some might be unintentional. However, we should always try to keep it at a bearable limit so that it doesn’t disturb anyone. No matter how much your neighbor may annoy you. At the end of the day, you will be seeing them and living next to them on a regular basis. So always try your best to sort things out. And if that doesn’t work. Well, you know what to do then. Do make sure to check out our other soundproofing articles as well. Hopefully, you will be able to learn a lot from them as well.

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